5209.0.55.001 - Australian National Accounts: Input-Output Tables, 2008-09 Quality Declaration 
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 10/09/2012   
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Table 8. Industry by Industry Flow Table (Indirect Allocation of Imports)

This table is similar to Table 5, however it describes the allocation of products, inclusive of imports, but excluding re–exports, from industry to industry and to all final use categories. That is, in Table 5, imports are directly allocated to the industries which use them and are included with the primary inputs to these industries deriving the total production. In this table imports are indirectly allocated and are included in the intermediate use of industries and in final use categories without distinguishing the imports from the products with which they compete, allowing the intermediate use matrix to fully reflect the input structures of industries.

A row in Quadrants 1 and 2, or a column in Quadrants 1 and 3 of this table represents an industry group. A row in Quadrants 3 and 4 represents a primary input or Australian production. A column in Quadrants 2 and 4 represents a final use category.

For example, the row representing the industry group Other agriculture shows that the supply of $1,534m from this industry was used by the Sheep, grains, beef and dairy cattle industry, the supply of $1,012m from this industry was used by the Other agriculture industry and so on resulting in a total supply of $11,731m from the industry Other agriculture being used by all the industries intermediately.

In the final use categories, the supply of $5,346m from the Other agriculture industry was used by the Household sector, $4m from this industry was used by the Government sector and so on resulting in a total supply of $6,673m from the Other agriculture industry being used by all the final use categories.